Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) is now rated 5-Stars by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). This rating has positioned UTP amongst the world class elite universities like University of Cambridge, Stanford University, University of Oxford, Harvard University and California Institute of Technology (Caltech) that have also been rated as 5-Stars.
QS Stars Rating reflects on the university’s overall qualities as the comprehensive assessment is conducted against over 50 indicators taking into account a number of detailed criteria that are not included in university rankings. The rating awards universities between 1 and 5+ Stars over eight domains. To date, there are 17 universities worldwide rated as 5+ Stars and 57 universities rated as 5-Stars amongst the 26,355 universities in the world.
Apart from being rated as 5-Stars in its overall assessment, UTP is also 5-Stars in FOUR (4) specific domains of Teaching Quality, Employability of Graduates, Internationalization, and also Infrastructure and Facilities.
Today, UTP is the only private University in Malaysia with a 5-Star rating. It is hoped that this achievement will keep UTP going further Towards Global Prominence.