Cost cutting alternatives to study abroad
Studying abroad would definitely broaden your life experience; however, it’s a costly option. The good news is that as many local universities have greatly expanded their international network, several alternative options are now available to students at lower cost.
With your future in mind, and close affiliation with universities in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the Netherlands and China, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) offers affordable and better choices for you to pursue a recognised degree overseas.
IUKL provides two options to study abroad; through collaborative programmes and credit transfer. One of the most suitable collaborative programmes that IUKL offers is the 1 year top-up UK degree for IUKL diploma holders. If you are interested to study in the United Kingdom, you should go for it.
1 Year Top-Up UK Degree
IUKL collaborates with the University of South Wales (USW), which is one of the UK’s largest universities. This collaboration is to meet the demands of students with IUKL Diplomas to complete their Bachelor’s Degree in just one year. USW offers a one year (two semesters) top-up degree programmes for these IUKL Diplomas; Diploma in Accounting, Diploma in Business and Diploma in Information Technology.
This gives students the opportunity to complete their degree abroad in just one year. This would tremendously cut the cost of study, and at the same time enable students to take advantage of the cross-cultural experience.
2+1 or 1+2 options for Degree Programmes
IUKL also offers 2+1 or 1+2 collaborative programmes for Bachelor’s Degree which enables students to either study for two years or one year at IUKL and complete the rest of their studies at one of our partner universities abroad. You can choose the desired university according to your preference.
Students also have the opportunity to progress from the Foundation or Diploma at IUKL to a degree programme overseas through the credit transfer programmes offered. If you wish to further your studies overseas at universities other than those listed, IUKL Placement Centre will also assist you.
Scholarships and Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme
To further ease the burden of pursuing a quality academic qualification, IUKL provides various financial assistance to its students. There are six types of financial assistance available in the form of scholarships, tuition fee waivers, loans and flexibe payment scheme. All these are put in place to allow you to achieve your ambition.
IUKL believes that education should be made available for everyone. In addition to IUKL Scholarships, IUKL Sports Excellence Scholarship and Tution Fee Waiver Scheme, students can also apply for loans and scholarships from PTPTN and EPF, among others.
Accreditation & Professional Recognition
IUKL being the first infrastructure university in Malaysia, which emphasizes the integration of both hard and soft aspects of infrastructure, aspires to produce technopreneurs and skilled manpower with outstanding communication, technological and managerial skills. The strength of IUKL today stems from its rich history. For more than 18 years, IUKL has been providing quality education and excellent professional services in various fields of infrastructure.
The university’s programmes are recognised and accredited by professional bodies locally and abroad. The programmes are approved by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and Malaysian Qualifications Agency. Two of the university’s degree programmes, the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons) and the Bachelor of Electronics Engineering (Hons) are recognised by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and the Washington Accord, an international agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programmes.
IUKL has also received recognition from various local and international professional bodies such as the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM), Land Surveyors Board (LJT), Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), CISCO, International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), among others.